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Closed For Holidays

The Georgian Golf Lab will be closed over the Holiday Break, it will re-open on January 9th 2012. We look forward to seeing you in the new year. Have a fun and safe Holiday.


Georgian Golf Lab Up and Running!

The Georgian Golf Lab will be up and running for Monday, October 17 for the 2011/12 season. If you would like to book a time please use the booking tab you see on the right side of your screen. There are 1 or 2 hour time slots available for booking. Times will be available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all!


Closed for the summer

The Georgian Golf Lab is now closed for the summer. Thanks everyone for a great off-season. Hopefully the work you put in over the winter in the lab will translate to a great summer on the course!

Nick Anthony


Reading Week

The Golf Lab will be closed over reading week.
I would like to apologize to those who booked times during the week. It was not properly closed in our booking application. Normally you will only be able to book during times that we are open. The problem is being fixed right now and an email is being sent to each person who had a booking during that week.

Thank you,
Nick Anthony