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Winter Semester 2010 - New Rules

Golf Lab Users,

We are trying to streamline the booking process to benefit all of our users and also to create new opportunities for easily expanding our services provided. With these goals in mind, the management staff has come up with some new rules that we will be implementing when we open on week 2 of the semester.

Rules for the Georgian Golf Lab

  1.  No walk-ins. All appointments must be booked in advance. This is to avoid disruption of customers who have gone through the proper booking procedure and do not want to be disturbed during their allotted time.
  2. Not showing up for an appointment will result in revoked golf lab privileges for one week. Continued abuse will result in further loss of privileges. To cancel an appointment in advance (not for that day) please email with your name and the timeslot you had booked. If you cannot make an appointment the day of then please contact the golf lab technician on duty, as soon as you know. The number is 705-728-1968 ext 1256. If there is no answer, please leave a voicemail message with your name and the time you are unable to show up for.
  3. At this time we will not limit how many timeslots you can book in one month, week or day. Please do remember that the lab is for use by all. When bookings greatly increase then limits may need to be imposed.
  4. The lab is limited to a maximum of four guests at a time.
  5. No lab use during your scheduled class time.
  6. No outdoor footwear in the lab. Please bring indoor shoes as the specialized flooring is very difficult to clean.
  7. No food or drinks in the lab.